Phenomenal Women of God, Inc

Phenomenal Women of God, Inc
Link to Organization Website Est 2013

Saturday, October 10, 2015

October is Domestic Violence Awareness

It is not necessary to try to understand why, but rather being a strong tower of prayer. Being someone who is trustworthy for a person in trouble to see he/she can trust you as a confidant.

Can God trust us with His people, His Tangible Beloved?

1 Corinthians 13-4-7 (AMP) "Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured. It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when right and truthful prevail]. Love Bears All Things..."

Signed, Learning to Love In-Spite of...



Surviving Change

My Voice, My Story...Surviving Change

Life happens to each one of us; the key ingredient is how we handle it. 

At times life APPEARS shipwrecked, so one jumps into a 'Life Boat/Raft' to only find one's self needing a higher method of rescue. 

It's all about the process! Can we be trusted with the method of development to obtain the promises of God. Survive the Change! No one is EXEMPT from the roar of the storm. How one governs the billows and breakers dashing determines the capability, trust & worthiness of next level living. 

Remember it's imperative for us to call to the Lord during the stressful times of life. Our Father (God) will always calm the storms of life, (paraphrased from Psalm 107:28-29). 

Abide in His shadows...Why, because shadows move, so as one abides, this means we move with Him. He must stay with and in Him so He (God) can be our refugee and our fortress. Trust in Him (Read Psalm 91). 

Signed, Surviving the Dancing Breakers and Roaring Billows ❤🙏🏾😍

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My Story, My Voice...

My Voice, My Story…I’m Different
What does a phenomenal women ‘LOOK’ like to you? Or, should I ask what are your perceptions and/or understandings of a phenomenal woman?
Well, to ‘Me’ being A Phenomenal Woman in ANY sense (Spiritual and Natural) if about being “Transparent and Authentic.” So, you can understand my stance I’m providing the definition that I will be working with for both words. Transparent is being open, frank and really candid about the matter at hand. Authentic is simply being genuine about self; the good, bad and ugly. Being unapologetically me! Being unapologetically me, simply means I may tell more about me, my struggles, my failures, my emptiness, my heart, my tears, my life, etc. Many may think “I don’t believe I would have told that” well, guess what? You are NOT me!
Healing My Soul!
On Friday, March 20th will be 17 years that I have worn someone else’s last name. But, things are convoluted in reference to the past seventeen years. As FB says, It’s Complicated!!! And, the struggle is real…so many times, in an attempt to save face, I smiled instead of screamed, laughed instead of cried, internalized instead of finding a field to externalize.
This is not about how life handed me lemons and I am trying to make lemon-aide. I’m tired of lemon-aide and all its artificial sweeteners. Every artificial sweetener has a side-effect. The worse of the side-effects is how they leave you so thirsty and increase your appetite for an illusion and delusion of your own life. You see, as a woman after God’s own heart, attempting to be an example, I’ve discovered life happens to us all. The problem I am finding is that as a Woman of God, the place I should be able to seek help, there is no help because there are too many mask. Yes, I’ve worn that mask too! But, the mask finally cracked…the leak in my heart caused the adhesive on the bandages to dissolve. As the bandages began to fall off, one by one, I became afraid I would began to bleed on others. But, I refuse to bleed on others…I am determined to be a part of the healing process for many. Ministering beyond the walls, ministering to the Whole Woman and being a Phenomenal Woman of God comes with a price tag that is priceless. I desire to be a PWoG whose life is about more than pretty articulated prayers, quoting all the right scriptures, dressing in the proper attire, etc.  
I CHOSE to be one who is transparent! I Chose to Reveal, so I Can Heal! Not afraid of the conceptual perception of others, because the reality is this: No earthly being has a Heaven or Hell to place me.  
Sharing snippets of Me…Miles of Me! Stay tuned, more to come J
Signed, My Naked Seventeen

Friday, February 27, 2015

Usable Brokenness

     Brokenness makes one whole, again...Learning to find direction from the expended emptiness of one's yesterdays.

     Once upon time, love was found in what appears to be all the wrong places. It's amazing how forgiveness and unconditional love becomes a 'One-Way' journey. Closing one's eyes traveling back in time; one finds there is | was an assortment of flashing insignia along the course. Instead of stopping to read and reflect on all the warning signs, traveling to an unknown destination with eyes wide closed, one became loss in familiar territory.
     Yesterday's tears turned into ice and became a skating rink, to slide into today's brokenness. But, today's brokenness leaked something usable for tomorrow's survival. Unfortunately, life can issue one Great Falls and all the King's men and all the King's horseman can't mend our brokenness or put us back together, again. Knowing there is usability in one's brokenness...reality becomes complicated as one stands peering at the icy elements, praying that the heart of woman doesn't become as cold, harden and daggered as the sickles hanging from the awnings.
     Lord, mend all brokenness! You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! Use the brokenness as a warning sign, allow others to be healed after witnessing one surviving during the winter season, let others acknowledge that without God, this level of endurance is unattainable.
                  This Brokenness is Opening Doors for Greatness!!!
Signed, Broken for Purpose

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

It's All About Sisterhood

     As the founder of Phenomenal Women of God, Inc., I would like to acknowledge my sisters in Christ for hearing and pursing purpose, in the creating of a 'phenomenal Sisterhood.' My Sister's Keeper International!

     This sisterhood was created after a group of women came together for a 21-Day Daniel Fast in January 2015. The commitment to the 5am morning prayers and the Monday - Friday evening devotionals was outstanding. God developed such a hunger and thirst for more in many of the women. Out of this 21-Day commitment, came My Sister's Keeper International; this is sisterhood is continuing with morning prayers Monday - Friday at 5am and an once a week 'Girl Talks,' on Thursday evenings. The Thursday evening Girl Talks evolved into more than spiritual devotions, but getting to the heart of the matter of discussing Real Women Issues...! Yes, the sisterhood is a group of women who love serving the Lord, but who understand there are 'Real Life Issues' we each face daily.

     Special shout-outs to my sisters Danyle Wilson and Claudia Donnell for a vision of greatness for women. Who said a group of women cannot co-exist in a group and get along? Well, in striving to understand different personalities and comprehending we each do/have face(d) diverse life challenges, it's all about learning one another and being willing to accept others right where she is in life. No one can change another, it's about choosing to 'love' a person right in the heart of their nakedness. This is what My Sister's Keeper International is ALL about!!!

     Do you dare to love your sisters in their Nakedness??? If so, check out My Sister's Keeper International in the open Facebook group. You want regret taking the sisterhood plunge.

Signed, Learned to Stop Being What | Who I am Not...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Leaking of a Mother’s Heart


The atrocities of our past keep leaking on the streets of our today! The lines are ever so blurred, to the point of stigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness of what many are consciously choosing NOT to see. THIS IS CALLED BLANTANT BLINDNESS!!! 

We have a Lost Generation | Loss Generation! NOTE: Before you hit that reply button, pick-up a Thesaurus and feel the leak of this mother’s heart. This is not one of those degrading post, but one to awaken our hearts to prayer and action.

If the people of God are perpetrating, as if the News stations apply to ‘them’ [others] and not us [you] as an individual, we are a people ever so blinded by a shield of ignorance coupled with severe arrogance. As I peeped at the calendar this morning, it reminded me, that in 2-weeks and 3-days, my baby brother WOULD HAVE BEEN 32-years old, had the atrocities of our past NOT leaked on to My Street. What I’m referring to is the ethnic analysis a segment of society has rendered more expendable than others.

There is dilapidation so many African-American families (not to say, the sense family is only decaying in the black family, I can only walk a mile in my own shoes). We have forfeited our sense of morals, integrity, togetherness [our village] and love for one another. We began to take on the persona of what we so carelessly thought was the better way, to the detriment of our legacies. No, I am not advocating as a people we need to rehearse the 60’s, but I am advocating being more relatable and relational with what we call Lost |Loss. Because, what we are labeling loss | lost, is about each of our heritage.

Let me share a bit of reality: I Am a Black Mother with a Leak in My Heart! As a mother of three, two being African-American males and the grandmother of two African American | Caucasian males, there is a NEED to teach them how to live and survive in this 21st century with the atrocities of our past leaking into our present.

Things I Had to Teach you, Son…

·         Know your worth! Why, because I speak life to you not Defeat!

·         Intelligence sits on the front row of the class! Just trying to get by sits at the back of the class. Know your worth!

·         You will have to study twice as hard; the standardized tests are not equivalent to the outdated education you are receiving in the Hood. Know Your Worth!

·         You are more than a sport (football, basketball, baseball, tennis, golf, etc.)! Use it as an apparatus, to move upward, without the guilt from those of the Hood. Know Your Worth!

·         As you Rise, don’t compromise your morals and integrity. Know Your Worth!

·         As you are FORCED to Code Switch in the boardroom, don’t lose you! Know Your Worth!

·         As you Rise economically, be careful in your new gated community and don’t tint your windows too dark on your new Aston Martin DB9 and the family care, your Bentley Continental GT, because it’s possible for you to be mistaken as an intruder and a thief, even in the daylight. But, Know your Worth!

·         And, in case You, My Son allow life to deal you a spoonful of vinegar, due to life decisions, remember you can recover from a fall…Know Your Worth!

·         To My Carmel grandbabies, You love your families because in your little cocoon it’s all you know. Know Your Worth…

·         When society tries to categorize your ethnicity and tries to persuade you to choose sides…Know Your Worth is in Both Sides!!!

·         I need you to pull your pants up, Not because I don’t like it, but because there is a stereotype, which says you are expendable based on your expression of self…Know Your Worth!

·         When you are walking down the street, turn your hat around so you are NOT categorized…Know Your Worth!

·         Carry your backpack like a school boy, on both shoulders, NOT to be categorized…Know Your Worth!

·         Understand the uniform in the neighborHOOD schools, is not who you are…Know Your Worth!

·         When test, do your Best because your scores are being analyzed to determine if you are a candidate for the next generation Penal Institutions…Know Your Worth!

·         Don’t ALLOW your neighborHOOD school teacher to make your feel inferior, many are at your at-risk school, so their Student Loans will be paid in full…Know Your Worth!

·         This is Dedicated to All My Sons and Carmel Grandbabies trying to survive in the Jungle of this thing WE call Life…Never Forget Your Worth…Know Your Worth! 

Signed, A Leak in My Heart

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Open Heart Surgery

We guard our hearts because it is the life line of our soul...It is the well-spring of our existence.

But, too many times in the guarding process, we are really bandaging our hearts instead of allowing the Master Physician to perform open heart surgery. The guarding process turns into building a bullet proof encasement where we set our hearts. This stalls the healing process and one walks through life in a state of numbness...believing it's better not to feel.

Many don't realize that what we conceal can NEVER be healed! The encasement becomes too small to hide our wounds on a continuous basis. One responds to things in their immediate environment based on the tragedy of the past. It is imperative for one to NOT allow the past to defined by their present...To put it bluntly one must not be defined by their DNA...

Really? Yes really!!! Life becomes our most profound teacher, when we recognize that sometimes it is those who say they Love Us, who damage us the most.

Learning to accept people for who and what they are, we begin to limit our expectations. We cannot expect something from a person without knowing if he/she is capable of giving at that level. Lessons learned: When people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM!!! 

One must learn to allow people to be who they are without any expectations. Each of us can ONLY love on the level, in which we are exposed. Meaning, for most, if love or anything in life was taught, learned, or received in limitation, then usually one can only relieve in limitation. But,  truly believing one can expand their capabilities by exposure. For instance, life cannot take a person anywhere they are unwilling to allow new experiences.

Pulling off the bandages of shame, hurt, dis-ease, fakeness, and whatever else hinders from knowing the reflection staring back at one through this mirror of life.


Found the Healing Key, in Loving Me Some Me

Just Me

Just Me
At The Potters House of Dallas

Scriptures for Encouragement in This Phenomenal Journey

All Scriptures from NKJV unless otherwise noted:

Job 22:28 "You will declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways."

Psalm 118:17 "I shall not die, but live, And declare the works of the Lord.

Nehemiah 4:14 "And I looked , and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your breathen, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses."

Habakkuk 2:3 "For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak , and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

Isaiah 6:7-8 " And he touched my mouth with it, and said: Behold this has touched your lips; Your inquity is taken away, and your sin purged. Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying: Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us? Then I said, "Here Am I ! Send me."